Shared services to enhance the student experience – Q+A panel debate 3 July


Shared services can deliver efficiencies, value-for-money and a better quality student experience – and yet they raise a number of issues. For example, “What are the benefits and challenges?” or “What skills and processes do we need?”  And yes, the big one: “What about VAT?”

Join us for a lunch-time Efficiency Exchange Q+A panel debate about shared services in higher education and help to stimulate the discussion with the chance to pose your question to the panel. 

Venue: Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9HQ

Date: 3 July 2013

Time: 12:30 – 14:15

If you are unable to join us at Woburn House, the debate will be webcast live on the Efficiency Exchange and you can participate via Twitter @EfficiencyEx.

The event marks the launch of new guidance on Cost Sharing Group VAT Exemption from Hefce and a new Shared Services section on the Efficiency Exchange offering a range of resources, guidance and case studies.

Book now (spaces limited):

Q+A Panel

  • Simon Fanshawe, OBE (Chair)
  • Steve Butcher, Head of Procurement and Shared Services, Hefce
  • Chris Cobb, Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary, University of London
  • Tim Marshall, Jisc Executive Director Technology and Infrastructure and Divisional CEO, Janet
  • Andrew Rothwell, Centre for Global Sourcing and Services, Loughborough University


12:30 Registration and networking – buffet lunch is served in the Committee Room
13:00 Webcast starts in the Boardroom – welcome and keynote
13:15 Introductions to panel
13:20 Panel Q+A debate
14:05 Webcast ends – coffee and networking in the Committee Room
14:15 Close


Prior to the event: send your questions for the panel to or via Twitter @EfficiencyEx

On the day: participate via Twitter @EfficiencyEx

Webcast: the debate will also be webcast live via the Efficiency Exchange at 13:00.


If you have any queries please contact