Let’s talk about efficiency – October 2013


Coming soon: Efficiency Exchange on the Guardian

We will shortly be announcing the launch of the new Efficiency Exchange channel on the Guardian higher education network, scheduled for 12 November. I’ll be pleased to send you details of the launch and an invitation to share new thinking, success stories and good practice with a wider readership. You are welcome to subscribe to our efficiency newsletter now, if you have not already done so.

In the meantime, here is a roundup of news and comment on efficiency in higher education.

VAT cost sharing exemption – a spur to shared services

Hefce publishes guidance on VAT cost sharing exemption.

Cost sharing groups and VAT exemption: developing good practice

Hefce also announces fund to develop and share good practice in shared services, specifically in applying the VAT cost sharing exemption.

Higher Education Procurement Academy (HEPA) launches

HEPA aims to be a centre of excellence for advanced procurement capability and professional development, built by the sector, for the sector.

Mergers boost efficiency, research suggests

Higher education institutions tend to be more efficient post-merger, suggesting that such activity is “positive”, according to a paper by Jill Johnes, lecturer in economics at Lancaster University Management School. (Times Higher Education)

Procurement needs to come out of its shell

Procurement needs to come out of its shell and be recognised for what it can be – a strategic process whereby universities use their purchasing intelligence in ways that they haven’t done previously, Nick Petford told SupplyManagement.com.

Realizing the benefits from project delivery

Paul Wilson of Provelio talks to the Efficiency Exchange about the importance of benefit realization in planning and delivering projects.

Jisc signs framework agreement with google apps for education

Landmark agreement makes it easier for colleges and universities to sign up to Google’s free cloud services such as Gmail, docs and spreadsheets.

100 Days toolkit for new managers

This resource aims to guide managers through the first 100 days in their new job, encouraging new managers to think about and access relevant information and development. It has been developed by the University of Coventry and is now available on the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education website.

To-do lists don’t work

Stop making to-do lists – so says Daniel Markovitz in his provocative post. (Harvard Business Review)


HE Shared Legal seminar, 7 November 2013

HE Shared Legal is holding a seminar on 7 November 2013 to promote their service to prospective subscriber institutions. Founded in 2012 and funded by Hefce, the service provides legal guidance, resources and assistance with law firm engagement.

Understanding metrics for institutional sustainability, 21 November 2013

This Leadership Foundation and FSSG Conference on 21 November, Central London will provide an opportunity for university governors and senior officers to hear the latest thinking from the CUC and FSSG on institutional sustainability and to examine the implications for their own institutions.

Care to share?

The Efficiency Exchange is here to help you discover and share innovative ways to deliver efficiency in higher education. It’s the ideal channel for widening awareness of your work, inviting collaborations and expanding professional networks. We are now actively seeking case studies, good practice and new thinking on efficiency.

Follow us on Twitter @EfficiencyEx.
Contact: Ian Powling ian.powling@universitiesuk.ac.uk