We want to hear your efficiency successes

Do you have a great story to tell about smarter ways of working at your university? With Efficiency Exchange, you can get the message out there about your achievements, be they collaborations to support better research, improved systems for managing office space, or giving students a better learning experience using digital technologies.

We are interested in content from all parts of your university, for example estates, administration, finance, libraries, procurement, student services, research – you name it. Here are three of our past contributors explaining the benefits of blogging.

Why I blog

“It is an excellent way of sharing some of our project successes.” Susan Wright, SUPC

“It helps to raise the profile of the organisation which ultimately benefits our members. I also believe that professionals have a responsibility to give something back to the system, and sharing knowledge via blogs is an ideal way of doing just that.” Andrew Chamberlain, ARMA

“I blog to express thoughts and opinions on issues I care about, to promote (re)action and build networks. Nick Petford, Vice-Chancellor, University of Northampton

So why not join them? To share ideas and best practice on Efficiency Exchange, please get in touch. Don’t forget, you can also join in the debate with other members of our community by commenting on our posts,

Rosie Niven
Rosie is the content editor at Efficiency Exchange