CCEG Crowd Funds for Efficiency Exchange



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Associate Prof Dr Cristina Devecchi, Editor-in-Chief
Efficiency Exchange: | Think Tank:


Cristina Devecchi has accepted the role of Editor-in-Chief of the Efficiency Exchange. She will focus on the deployment of human resources in schools and universities, with a particular interest in the area of knowledge management and intellectual capital.

Efficiency Exchange Moves to a New Home:
CCEG Crowd Funds for Efficiency Exchange

On Monday 2nd October the Efficiency Exchange moved to the Centre for Citizenship Enterprise and Governance (CCEG) following an agreement with the founding partners Universities UK, JISC, HEFCE and the Leadership Foundation HE.

The Efficiency Exchange launched in 2013 to promote the sector’s efforts to advance efficiency and effectiveness. Led by Professor Sir Ian Diamond, principal and vice-chancellor of the University of Aberdeen, it has worked to promote new practices and ways of thinking, particularly via HEFCE and the Leadership Foundation’s Innovation and Transformation Fund. Looking ahead, the Efficiency Exchange will be strongly placed to provide a similar service to support the aims of the Office for Students, with a particular emphasis on advancement that delivers value and excellence to students.

The Centre for Citizenship Enterprise and Governance (CCEG) is a think tank specialising in the understanding and measurement of social and intangible value. Dr Devecchi says,

“I welcome the opportunity to continue the timely and valuable work that EE has already done for the HE sector as Editor-in-Chief. As we develop the EE further to broaden our remit and membership, we look forward to provide the sector with a space for sharing knowledge of the value of universities and of what works in the best interest of students and the sector as whole.”

One of the core reasons for this move is to create further value for students by making the Efficiency Exchange represent and broadcast their voices and opinions. Efficiency Exchange aims to create smarter, stronger universities whose graduates are already at the forefront of innovation. CCEG director, Professor Olinga Ta’eed, observes:

“There is a growing recognition of the need for more nuanced ways to understand, measure and express value, and that includes value for money. The Efficiency Exchange is a perfect strategic fit with our portfolio of work in intangible values and distributed knowledge, and we are delighted to take on the stewardship of this knowledge-mobilising network.

My role is to ensure that Cristina and her Efficiency Exchange team – with over three times the resources EE has enjoyed to date – is financed for scale and sustainability. We are looking to recruit Editors, Journalists and Student Ambassadors to the EE agenda, and hope to hit the 100,000 mark for our collective subscribers by the end of the year. To this end I am committing to immediately initiate a crowd funding campaign to inject funds into EE which has been successfully piloted over a number of years.”

The CCEG Crowd Funding Campaign uses a new financial instrument called the Seratio Token Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and will run to 31st October 2017. Investors supporting the Efficiency Exchange initiative will be incentivized with a 20% discount, up to the UK£150,000 fundraise goal, as a thank you for supporting this most worthwhile and inclusive educational cause. Investments in cryptocurrencies have sometimes proven to be highly efficient and rewarding (more here). Like all crowd funding instruments there are no guarantees of success.  | Campaign code: CCEG-EE20

The Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance operates four divisions.

  • Seratio Ltd – provides non-financial metrics and SaaS measurement systems to governments
  • CCEG Blockchain UN Lab – provides blockchain and DLT solutions to global brands
  • Cyber Futures – providing a marketplace, educational passport and EduCoin
  • Efficiency Exchange – an educational community dialogue for academics and students

For further information, please visit and For specific enquiries, contact: