Green Gown Awards 2013 – open for entries

Green Gown Awards 2013
Green Gown Awards 2013
EAUC has announced the launch of the Green Gown Awards 2013. The awards offer UK universities and colleges the chance to shine and to shout about their sustainability achievements. The deadline for Stage 1 applications is Wednesday 12 June.

Now in their 9th year, the Green Gown Awards recognise the exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges across the UK.

The category Modernisation – Effectiveness and Efficiency in the Estate, sponsored by AUDE, is of particular interest. We would draw the attention of institutions to the opportunity to enter projects for this category.

Category: Modernisation – Effectiveness and Efficiency in the Estate

Effectiveness, efficiency and value for money are central concerns for the tertiary education sector (as outlined for higher education in the Diamond report). This category recognises the pressure to proactively manage costs and demonstrate value for money but seeks applications which demonstrate that this can be done in ways that enhance sustainability.

Examples of possible application topics are:

  • Overall estate rationalisation.
  • Initiatives which result in improved space efficiency in the estate as a whole or specific buildings (e.g. flexible working where this clearly results in less overall space requirements).
  • Shared services within or between organisations; outsourcing.
  • Effective approaches to efficiency in order to overcome duplication or fragmentation.

Applications are only likely to be successful if they provide good evidence (at least some of which is quantitative) that:

  1. The measures taken have created environmental benefit.
  2. There has been no adverse effects on staff or student work and study (or if there have been, that they are proportionate and that everything possible has been done to mitigate them).
  3. The learning has been disseminated beyond the institution.

This category focuses on the whole estate. For specific facilities and service initiatives, applicants should apply under the Facilities and Services category.

Click here to enter the Green Gown Awards 2013