HEPA procurement training now available


The Higher Education Procurement Academy (HEPA)’s programme of face-to-face training is now available to book on the HEPA website at www.hepa.ac.uk.

Here you will find full details of dates, venues and course fees.  If you are an existing BUFDG website user, you can log in using your existing details; if new, you can register for a log in on the site directly (via the ‘Sign Up’ link). Here is e-brochure for you to share with your colleagues.

HEPA is a new initiative set up jointly by BUFDG Procurement Professionals Group (PPG), Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (LFHE) and the regional HE purchasing consortia to advance procurement capability and professionalism in UK universities and related purchasing consortia members.  The Academy has been built with the sector for the sector and aims to deliver high quality learning and development, share and enhance best practice and ensure procurement has access to effective training and resources that enable it to save money and add value within institutions.

Remember these courses aren’t just for procurement professionals – the opportunity is to spread the word among your important internal clients so they can get the key messages about the far-reaching benefits of good procurement practice.

On the website, you’ll also find news and updates about HEPA, competency frameworks and template job descriptions to help you benchmark roles and information on Procurement Maturity Assessments.  Over the next few months more and more Academy materials, resources and information will be added, including materials from the Sustainable Procurement Centre of Excellence (SPCE), so please do share relevant items with your colleagues so they can make the most of this new resource.

You and your colleagues are also invited to join the new Higher Education Procurement Academy LinkedIn group, where you’ll be able to network online with colleagues and debate procurement best practice issues of the day.

And don’t forget that Procurement Maturity Assessments (PMAs) are also available to all institutions, provided by SUPC, offering low-cost, detailed assessments of procurement capability to benchmark performance and drive improvement.  Your PMA report will also help identify areas of the Academy that you may benefit from using.  Further details are available by visiting www.hepa.ac.uk or contact Judith Russell, PMA programme Manager, j.s.russell@reading.ac.uk or tel 07986 911918.