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Marion Malcolm

Marion Malcolm

Role: Business Improvement Team Lead, University of Aberdeen

Marion joined the Business Improvement Team in January 2013 and became Team Lead in April 2017.   She is passionate about Business Improvement and undertakes a variety of roles (eg strategy setting, scoping projects, facilitating BI events etc) within the team to promote a continuous improvement culture in the University.

Improving the E-communication journey for enquirers and applicants – the right message at the...

E-communication is widely used for interacting with potential students to help them make an informed decision about their place of study. To ensure this method is delivering the desired experience, reviews of e-communication should take place to keep messaging fresh and relevant. In this blog Marion Malcolm of the University of Aberdeen discusses their project to review the E-communication to pre-registered students, with clear aims of ensuring the branding and student experience is consistent and that there is clarity in job roles with the overall goal of enhancing efficiency.