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Neil Jennings Quinn Runkle

Neil Jennings Quinn Runkle

Dr Neil Jennings is Partnership Development Manager at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and Environment at Imperial College London. Prior to working at Imperial, Neil was part of the Sustainability Team at the National Union of Students where he managed the Student Switch Off engagement programme.

Quinn Runkle is Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Programme Manager at the National Union of Students – supporting universities, colleges, and students’ unions to embed ESD throughout the formal and informal curricula; and working across the student movement and with partner organisations to improve the inclusion of sustainability knowledge, skills, and attributes in education across the UK and internationally.

How can universities help students create a sustainable future?

The university sector has an essential role to play in tackling the world’s sustainability challenges – not just in developing research-based solutions but in influencing the attributes of students that graduate each year. In this blog, Dr Neil Jennings (Imperial College London) and Quinn Runkle (National Union of Students) discuss projects that have been successful at equipping students across all disciplines with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours required to address sustainability challenges while at university and in their future careers.