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Sian Kilner

Sian Kilner

Sian is a director of Kilner Planning. She has worked with over 40 universities on projects including space management, space utilisation, space needs assessments, estate strategies, business plans and project appraisals. Sian undertakes research and assists with the preparation of guidance for the sector on estate strategies and space management.

Contact: Sian

The higher education estate: delivering effective space use

Research into space efficiency in higher education suggests that universities have successfully adapted buildings to accommodate current patterns of working. Sian Kilner, who helped to carry out the research, says space management will become even more vital as cash to invest in redeveloping universities reduces.
Picture credit: University of Wolverhampton

The higher education estate – investing in quality

Research for the efficiency review shows that University buildings are in better condition and more fit for purpose, compared with the previous decade. But as Sian Kilner explains, effective estate management will be vital for meeting the challenges to come.
UEA campus

The higher education estate – delivering increased value for money

In the second blogpost on estate management, Sian Kilner describes the findings of her research into value for money trends including how universities are offsetting higher operating and maintenance costs by diversifying their property income base.