Report reveals impact of collaborative procurement in England

Working together
Procurement England Ltd marks a successful year with the publication its first annual report, which highlights its progress in strengthening collaborative procurement in higher education. Marion Lois Hutchins introduces the report.

Did you know that institutions saved £113m through consortia agreements in 2013/14?

Did you know that English higher education purchasing consortia serve as models internationally, reaching countries like Canada, South Africa and Australia?  

You can learn more about collaborative procurement in the higher education sector and among higher education purchasing consortia in the first Procurement England Ltd (PEL) annual report.

In its report, PEL, a partnership organisation between six higher education purchasing consortia in England, outlines the progress the sector has already made toward increased efficiencies and identifies key goals for the future.

The Procurement England Ltd (PEL) annual report can be viewed online. For more information about Procurement England Ltd, please visit the PEL page