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Jennifer Gane and John Wiseman

Eureka! Classicist finds solution in degree apprenticeship

Some graduates find themselves unsuited to the fast-changing world of employment despite impeccable qualifications. Degree apprenticeships can be a good way to provide the skills needed in the workforce. Classics graduate Jennifer Gane found that by landing a degree apprenticeship in digital technology solutions she was able to link a dead language, to one that's very much alive - and find a job.
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Hefce issues funding call and study supporting innovation in teaching and learning

Improving student outcomes and survival in a marketised environment are amongst the drivers for innovation in teaching in learning, according to a Hefce study. A blogpost by Hefce's Amanda Wilcox outlining the findings of the study also launches a funding call for institutions wishing to develop experimental innovations in teaching and learning.

The need to future proof data on degree value

With data like TEF and LEO, the question of value is at their core and understood largely in terms of students’ expectations and outcomes, particularly those which relate to careers and salaries. But what if the career landscape changes in the future, Adam Wright asks on Wonkhe.

The rise of the new academic advisor

Could the advent of the TEF see the emergence of a new breed of data-empowered academic advisors? Student experience consultant Brian Hipkin says the growth in student-generated ‘teaching excellence’ metrics could herald the introduction of this role.
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How technology is making HE teaching more effective

Has 2014 been a good year for technological innovation in higher education teaching and learning? Seven higher education technology experts, including Jisc futurist Martin Hamilton, discuss developments in University Business.
Overall view of the Mission Control Center (MCC), Houston, Texas, during the Gemini 5 flight. Note the screen at the front of the MCC which is used to track the progress of the Gemini spacecraft.

What happens when the dial turns red?

When the data shows that a student is struggling, how should universities respond? Brian Hipkin issues a plea to academics and their professional services colleagues to work together more to understand the student lifestyle from the student's perspective.

From manual to automatic: developing learning analytics at Aston

After Aston University carried out a project to identify students at risk of withdrawal or non-progression, they realised they needed to move from manual analytics to a more comprehensive learning analytics system. Following a partnership with Jisc to develop such a system, they are already seeing the benefits, as James Moran explains.

Only connect: UCL’s vision for greater synergy between research and education

Institutions across the world are increasingly looking at fresh possibilities of making connections between their research and students educations. Dilly Fung explains three new, interrelated initiatives at UCL that are designed to make research and education inspire and strengthen each other.

Data-driven approaches to teaching excellence

Jisc is developing a service allowing universities that don’t routinely collect and analyse learning data to begin to do so. Jisc's Phil Richards writes in Universities Business how learning analytics already offer a practical way to demonstrate student engagement and could bring more benefits in the future.
picture credit: McCoy-Wynne

Teaching and learning technology: driving student efficiency

Technology can help professional and academic staff do their job more efficiently but it can also produce efficiency gains for students. Lucy Haire looks at what universities are doing to introduce technology to improve teaching and learning for students.