Discover and share good practice for smarter working universities

From manual to automatic: developing learning analytics at Aston

After Aston University carried out a project to identify students at risk of withdrawal or non-progression, they realised they needed to move from manual analytics to a more comprehensive learning analytics system. Following a partnership with Jisc to develop such a system, they are already seeing the benefits, as James Moran explains.
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Practical teaching with technology – free MOOC

On May 1st 2017, the Bloomsbury Learning Environment is launching a free, new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), Get Interactive: Practice Teaching with Technology.
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How the academic programmes offered by universities impact on their efficiency and effectiveness

When a university fails to recruit enough students to make a course viable, it can be costly. A new i-MAP study considers how a more market-led approach to strategic development of the academic portfolio might improve universities’ efficiency and effectiveness, as its director Paul Coyle explains.

Developing employable students in a digital age

What does an 'employable student' look like in a digital age? And how can universities use technology to help support the development of student employability? Sarah Davies of Jisc has some answers to both questions.

Investing in teaching can create a more efficient university

Good teaching can have a positive impact on a university’s efficiency levels. Lucy Haire of the Higher Education Academy explains the benefits of investing in good teaching.

The rise of the new academic advisor

Could the advent of the TEF see the emergence of a new breed of data-empowered academic advisors? Student experience consultant Brian Hipkin says the growth in student-generated ‘teaching excellence’ metrics could herald the introduction of this role.

What we’ve learned from pedagogic podcasting

Academics at Birkbeck College have sought to take their teaching beyond the lecture room with a weekly podcast to support their British politics module. Dr Dermot Hodson, reader in political economy and Dr Ben Worthy, lecturer in politics outline the lessons from the initiative over the past two years.
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Universities join forces to design learning analytics architecture for the sector

Universities wishing to raise achievement of all students were urged to consider adopting learning analytics in the Higher Education Commission's recent report ‘From Bricks to Clicks’. In this blogpost, Phil Richards says the sector is now also recognising learning analytics as a priority area and Jisc is working with universities deliver a national open architecture for this work.
Ducklings with their mother

How degree apprenticeships can fill regional skills gaps

The government's target of three million apprenticeships before 2020 presents an opportunity for businesses to develop their workforces to deliver creativity, innovation and growth. Sarah Tudor of Staffordshire University explains why it is using apprenticeships to bridge the region's skills gaps.
Mike Sharples professor of educational technology at the Open University

Mike Sharples: ‘we are using analytics in a much more active way than before’

The Open University (OU) has led the way in pioneering innovative methods of teaching and learning. Mike Sharples, professor of educational technology, at the OU tells Rosie Niven how technological changes and better learning analytics is making its teaching more effective.