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Five ways video will change universities in 2016

How video is transforming the way tutors interact with students and empowering students to create their own personal curriculum. This article in University Business highlights some of the trends on the educational technological landscape for 2016.

The UK Higher Education Learning Space Toolkit: a SCHOMS, AUDE and UCISA collaboration

This toolkit has been produced by three higher education organisations to help their members share best practice and work more effectively when creating learning spaces. It is intended to serve both as a practical guide and as a source of inspiration in the design of spaces that delight and motivate students, as well as meet their functional needs.

Accreditation fit for a (digital) purpose?

Using learning technology is now part of the job for a growing proportion of the higher education workforce, says the Association of Learning Technology’s Maren Deepwell. She argues that recognition for skills in using technology for learning, teaching or assessment is now needed and invites professionals to help develop accreditation of this growing specialism.

Investing in teaching can create a more efficient university

Good teaching can have a positive impact on a university’s efficiency levels. Lucy Haire of the Higher Education Academy explains the benefits of investing in good teaching.
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Be better with digital, students tell staff in Jisc survey

Students have stated their frustration at staff's lack of training in - and inconsistent use of - technology in Jisc's digital student tracker report. The survey which involved 22,000 higher education students is one of the largest of its kind.

Harnessing attendance data to drive better experiences of learning

Nick Moore is director of IT services at the University of Gloucestershire. In this post, and at Inside Government’s conference this week on utilising data effectively across higher education, he describes how his university is using attendance data to inform decisions on tailoring services to meet the needs of individual students
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Hefce issues funding call and study supporting innovation in teaching and learning

Improving student outcomes and survival in a marketised environment are amongst the drivers for innovation in teaching in learning, according to a Hefce study. A blogpost by Hefce's Amanda Wilcox outlining the findings of the study also launches a funding call for institutions wishing to develop experimental innovations in teaching and learning.

The rise of the new academic advisor

Could the advent of the TEF see the emergence of a new breed of data-empowered academic advisors? Student experience consultant Brian Hipkin says the growth in student-generated ‘teaching excellence’ metrics could herald the introduction of this role.

The need to future proof data on degree value

With data like TEF and LEO, the question of value is at their core and understood largely in terms of students’ expectations and outcomes, particularly those which relate to careers and salaries. But what if the career landscape changes in the future, Adam Wright asks on Wonkhe.
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How the academic programmes offered by universities impact on their efficiency and effectiveness

When a university fails to recruit enough students to make a course viable, it can be costly. A new i-MAP study considers how a more market-led approach to strategic development of the academic portfolio might improve universities’ efficiency and effectiveness, as its director Paul Coyle explains.