“I’m too busy to think about efficiency!”

Ian Powling

Have you ever thought: ‘I know there are smarter ways of working but I just don’t have time to step back and think about them.’ Or ‘If only I could find case studies to build my business case for change.’ Or even ‘I can’t keep up with all the change going on in the way that universities are run, even though I know I should.’ I know you’re busy, but let’s take these three scenarios in turn…

‘I know there are smarter ways of working but…’

We know you are time-poor, so the Efficiency Exchange presents the issues, evidence and contacts you need in concise and accessible ways. Many people find us first on the Guardian where thought leaders from around the sector blog on issues such as procurement, shared services and benchmarking. And a regular stream of posts on the Exchange keeps you informed of developments around the sector. We also co-produce events such as the ‘Strategic Sourcing: New approaches to deliver success‘ conference or the webcast seminar on ‘Shared services to enhance the student experience‘.

‘If only I could find case studies…’

We compile a range of case studies on key efficiency topics. Or if we don’t keep them, we point you in the right direction. For example, visit the Higher Education Procurement Academy for case studies, training and guidance on procurement.

‘I can’t keep up with all the change going on…’

Right, have you got a minute? Then check out our ‘Efficiency Minute’ videos in which speakers at UUK’s  ‘3rd Annual Efficiency in HE’ conference give an ‘elevator pitch’ on their topics. To keep up to date with developments in higher education’s efficiency programme, you are welcome to subscribe to regular updates and follow us on Twitter @EfficiencyEx.

Do you have a story to tell?

Why not share your ideas and good practice to advance efficiency and value-for-money within your institution? The Efficiency Exchange offers an unrivalled opportunity for sharing your work and building your professional network. Here are some guidelines on how to go about it.


Ian Powling (ian.powling@universitiesuk.ac.uk)

Office: 020 7419 5604

Mobile: 07964 365 892

Twitter: @EfficiencyEx

Universities UK, Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9HQ

Ian Powling is Project Manager of the Efficiency Exchange, a service delivered by a partnership of UUK, Jisc, Hefce and the Leadership Foundation.

Ian Powling
Senior Education Advisor CCEG