How do you demonstrate the success of efficiency projects?

Heather Lawrence, University of Strathclyde
The University of Strathclyde is gathering information about how higher education practitioners demonstrate the success of their business improvement projects. Heather Lawrence explains how you can help.

The University of Strathclyde was recently awarded funding from the Leadership Foundation’s Innovation and Transformation Fund to develop a best practice approach to evidencing the benefits that result from business improvement activities.

We are in the early stages, but are keen to gather information from fellow lean teams / practitioners in higher education on how they currently demonstrate the success of their projects.

We are seeking feedback from individuals or teams who carry out improvement initiatives – e.g. process redesign, standard working, visual management, 5S – which are focused on improving core business support services such as finance, HR, student services, staff services, research and knowledge exchange services, IT, estates services, marketing and communication.


Your feedback will be valuable in understanding how institutions currently identify and select business improvement projects and how the success and impact of these activities are evidenced and communicated.

It is envisaged that the outputs from this project will help the sector to more effectively identify and demonstrate the value of improvements and efficiencies across the sector.

If you carry out business improvement activities, it would be great if you could spare 10 minutes to provide information for your own institution.  

Your feedback will be extremely valuable in ensuring that the outputs of this project are transferable across the sector.

Please follow the following link to access the survey:

Heather Lawrence is a business improvement manager at the University of Strathclyde

Heather Lawrence
Heather joined the University of Strathclyde in 2009 and as business improvement manager is responsible for leading strategic business improvement and large-scale change programmes.