Universities failing to evidence the benefits of business improvement, survey reveals

A recent survey by the University of Strathclyde reveals that universities are not successfully evidencing the benefits of business process improvement. Strathclyde’s Heather Lawrence introduces the findings of the research.

The University of Strathclyde is currently developing a best practice guide to evidencing the benefits from business process improvement activities following the allocation of funding from the Leadership Foundation’s Innovation and Transformation Fund.

As part of our research for developing this guide, we distributed a survey to the higher education sector to uncover how business improvement teams are identifying and measuring benefits throughout their projects.

Whilst many institutions state that ‘overall project benefits’ is the second most common reason for proceeding with a business process improvement project, the findings demonstrate there are challenges in successfully measuring these benefits, and using them to demonstrate a project’s success.

To hear more about the survey results, Strathclyde’s Dr Nicola Cairns has developed a digital story to discuss the findings:

The University of Strathclyde’s best practice guide for Evidencing the Benefits of Business Process Improvement in higher education will be available from July 2015.

Heather Lawrence is the business improvement manager at the University of Strathclyde

Heather Lawrence
Heather joined the University of Strathclyde in 2009 and as business improvement manager is responsible for leading strategic business improvement and large-scale change programmes.