Delivering value from the education estate

At today’s Higher and Further Education show Dr Ghazwa Alwani-Starr, director of estates and campus services at the University of Roehampton, and Sian Kilner, director of Kilner Planning, will be highlighting research for AUDE into how the higher education estate is delivering value.

Their presentation will:

  • Investigate the progress made in delivering efficiency gains from the estate
  • Benchmark UK higher education space efficiency against international comparators
  • Recommend strategies and tools for delivering further improvements

Efficiency Exchange has published a series of posts highlighting the role and value of the higher education estate. Here are Ghazwa and Sian’s contributions:

The role and value of the HE estate

The higher education estate – delivering increased value for money

The higher education estate – investing in quality

You can find the full AUDE report, Delivering Value from the Higher Education Estate on Efficiency Exchange. For other posts on this subject, please see our estates management page.