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HEPA helps universities improve their procurement expertise

Caroline Blackman-Edney, Chair of the BUFDG Procurement Professionals Group, tells University Business magazine that, “As procurement raises its profile within an institution, more departments within it will rely on procurement expertise. Building the capacity to offer these services should be key to a university’s wider risk management strategy. HEPA provides tools which enable personnel to achieve this.”

HEPA professional development courses: limited spaces are still available

The Higher Education Procurement Academy (HEPA) still has some limited spaces available on the following professional development courses: Introduction to Procurement – 3 December, London Practical...

We must dispel the idea that universities are wasteful

Following on from his speech to the 4th Annual Efficiency Conference, Nick Petford, Vice Chancellor of the University of Northampton, blogs for Universities UK urging the sector to work hard during this election period to dispel the idea that universities are wasteful and inefficient.

3 February 2016: Be the Change, Make the Change, Leeds

This one-day interactive collaborative procurement conference will offer practical advice, inspiration and support to achieve significant efficiencies and new ways of working. It will also provide opportunities to network and share good practice.

A parade of not so beautiful beauties?

The higher education energy market is becoming increasingly competitive. Richard Murphy from the public buying organisation The Energy Consortium (TEC) warns of the hidden dangers in the contracting process and urges universities to involve a broad range of departments when procuring energy services.

Procurement update – November 2013

A roundup of news and comment about university procurement, brought to you in partnership with HEPA the professional development service for all university staff who buy goods and services.
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Strategic sourcing: new approaches to deliver success

This conference will examine the state of play in strategic sourcing. It will demonstrate how universities can prioritise areas for change, better understand the marketplace for service providers and will offer tips for managing new relationships.
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LUPC’s Shared Procurement Service opens for business

LUPC's Shared Procurement Service opens for business This first-in-sector collaboration offers an in-house procurement resource for smaller institutions, helping them deliver maximum value from their spend. The initial participating members are the Royal College of Music, Royal Academy of Music and Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music .
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Latest data highlights transformation in higher education procurement

New research shows improvements in procurement across England's higher education sector over the last five years have resulted in a rise in savings and efficiencies of more than 50%. The findings come in the latest survey of Efficiency Measurement Model (EMM) data carried out by North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium (NWUPC) on behalf of Procurement England Ltd (PEL), a company that brings together the four English purchasing consortia.

Procurement: a guide for governors

In order to achieve a successful procurement model it is important to win over not only those who work in procurement but all employees in an organisation. This guide examines the role of governors in in overseeing procurement, part of their responsibility in ensuring universities achieve value for money.