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Jisc secures networks to enable safe sharing of medical research data

Jisc is enabling researchers across the UK to safely and securely share health data for their collaborative research projects. The UK’s research and education network Janet, provided by Jisc, is providing an efficient solution that secures the networks linking participating institutions and eliminates the need for them to develop and manage their own authentication systems.
Adrian Cox

Using to make research equipment more discoverable

Adrian Cox, based at the University of Southampton, is project manager for, an EPSRC funded project in response to the need to improve visibility and utilisation of UK higher education research equipment. We sat down for a ten minute chat with Adrian to find out exactly what is all about and how it’s creating opportunities for efficiencies among institutions UK wide.
Bottles in a lab

Raising the return – how do we do it?

In the final blogpost in our series on asset sharing, Sarah Jackson and Luke Georghiou say that despite the progress in this area, more work must be done to deliver full benefits.
Lab condenser

Sharing research equipment: how can we do it better?

Last year staff from Jisc set out to better understand institutional and researchers' needs around sharing research equipment. Senior co-designer Daniela Duca reveals the team's findings.

Kit-Catalogue – making sharing easier

Kit-Catalogue is a online database that can help universities to keep track of equipment, internal and external technology gaps and also to identify equipment sharing opportunities. Developed by Loughborough University and funded by Jisc, promotes better use of assets within and between institutions and makes them available for public and commercial application.

Portsmouth University investigates sharing IT facilities with city schools

Portsmouth University, together with Portsmouth City Council, has won funding from the Higher Education Funding Council (Hefce) to investigate ways of sharing resources.

Productive efficiencies in higher education – three case studies

These case studies were selected from the report ‘Making the best better – efficiency and effectiveness in higher education’, produced by Sarah Jackson of the N8 Research Partnership on secondment to BIS.

Managing research contracts: Report for Brunswick Group October 2013

This report examines research contracts administration and includes benchmarking of resourcing levels and identifies best practice. Produced by Research Consulting for the Brunswick group of research intensive universities, October 2013.

Developing and supporting a sharing culture

Collaboration has led to efficiencies in areas such as procurement and shared services, but it can be a challenge to embed this culture. The University of Nottingham’s Paul Greatrix shares his experiences of a successful collaboration with the University of Birmingham.

Tell Jisc your equipment sharing needs

Jisc is carrying out a survey to better understand the decision to share a piece of equipment and interact with equipment databases. This ten minute long survey aims to help the team behind support institutions and to establish requirements for additional features or an improved user experience.