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Scotland’s efficiency programme hits its targets early

Scotland's higher education efficiency programme has fulfilled almost all of its targets, just two years into a three-year plan.

Digital Curation Centre

Centre of expertise in digital information curation. Provides advice and practical help for storing, managing, protecting and sharing digital research data.
Report of the Universities Scotland Efficiencies Taskforce 2015

Scottish efficiency strategy ‘on course’ says taskforce chair

The second three-year efficiency strategy for higher education in Scotland is on course and already delivering results, Professor Sir Ian Diamond says in a document marking the end of the strategy’s first year.

Participative Process Review – toolkit

The process reviews developed by Oxford Brookes have been specifically designed to enable teams to subsequently self-facilitate further reviews. This toolkit introduces the concept of carrying out process reviews to professionals working in higher education.

New toolkit aims to reduce data duplication

The Higher Education Data & Information Improvement Programme (HEDIIP) has published a data capability toolkit, which aims to help higher education professionals improve the foundational aspects of data management and governance. The toolkit allows institutions to develop an improvement plan with anticipated benefits including the reduction of data duplication.

GeM – the online store for HE and FE

eMarketplace and contracts repository for Higher and Further Education sectors offering sector negotiated and approved contracts.

Performance for all

Performance management software service used by over 50 universities.


Procurement programme and online catalogue of government approved cloud computing commodity and support services.

Analytics in higher education

Universities already collect vast amounts of data about their student populations, but often this is underutilised. This Universities UK report, written in partnership with Civitas Learning and Jisc, sets out the case for better use of analytics in higher education through effective implementation of appropriate technology and techniques.

Strategic sourcing in UK universities: becoming ‘intelligent customers’

Universities are beginning to discover the benefits of new business models in their dealings with suppliers, say researchers at the University of the West of England. They argue that institutions should become ‘intelligent customers’, which will involve investment in new skills, changes in culture and raising the profile of procurement and supply professionals.