Discover and share good practice for smarter working universities

Fitter for the future

Think human resource efficiency is all about redundancies? Think again. In this post, UCEA's Laurence Hopkins explores a range of ways in which Higher Education institutions are increasing organisational efficiency and effectiveness through their human resources policies.

Academic Futures: a new career route for postgraduate students?

The University of Lincoln is developing a programme to tackle the lack of professional development schemes tailored to the needs of postgraduate students interested in an academic career. Rebecca Sanderson explains the project funded by the Innovation and Transformation Fund that explores how to provide postgraduate students with more effective career development opportunities.
Participants in the first NEUPC CIPS induction (pic credit: NEUPC)

How can we tackle procurement skills shortages in higher education?

The higher education sector is facing difficulties in finding and recruiting procurement professionals with the right skills. NEUPC’s CEO Frank Rowell talks about how the consortium is addressing the issue.
Jean Mutton

Service design for universities

Sometimes solutions are under our noses - you just need the right approach to unlock them. In this post, consultant Jean Mutton explains service design, which she says is for anyone who often thinks "there must be a better way".

Want your staff to stay? Make training a priority

Giving workers the tools to do their jobs to the best of their ability can result in a more motivated and productive workforce, lead to improved retention and reduce the need for costly recruitment procedures, a guide produced by the Association of Accounting Technicians says. The guide gives a snapshot of the state of training in the UK and offers advice for employers considering their training needs.

Development of an Academic Intern Scheme

This project will develop a professional development scheme for postgraduates interested in an academic career. This intern scheme is designed to offer an innovative and inclusive way to expose postgraduate taught and research students to wider academic skills, practices and processes, whilst providing an opportunity to see the workings of a higher education institution.

HE Shared Legal

Subscription-based legal guidance service for UK HE institutions. Includes help desk and assistance with engaging legal advisers. Operating on a pilot basis, with HEFCE funding.
Leadership Foundation logo

Leadership Foundation to fund projects that support workforce change

The Leadership Foundation is pleased to invite proposals from member institutions for funding for projects to support the Workforce change, processes and practices workstream of the second phase of the Diamond programme (Diamond 2.0) to improve efficiency and effectiveness in higher education.
David Duncan, University of York

University managers and administrators: why we should value and develop them

Dr David Duncan, Registrar and Secretary at the University of York, talks about valuing university managers and administrators.
UHR logo

Employee engagement toolkit for higher education

UCEA and UHR have worked in partnership to develop a toolkit on employee engagement specifically for the HE sector. The project was jointly funded by...