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Efficiency effectiveness and value for money report image

‘Efficiency, effectiveness and value for money’ report – your reaction

The reaction on social media to University UK’s report into efficiency in Higher Education, compiled following a review led by Professor Sir Ian Diamond.
David Kernohan and Catherine Grout

Supporting an open future at Jisc

Digital technology is making new approaches to open data possible in both research and professional services. Jisc’s Catherine Grout and David Kernohan describe the work taking place to support an open future.
Heather Lawrence, University of Strathclyde

How do you demonstrate the success of efficiency projects?

The University of Strathclyde is gathering information about how higher education practitioners demonstrate the success of their business improvement projects. The university’s business improvement manager Heather Lawrence explains how you can help.

New Hefce-funded project models costs and benefits of sharing services

The shared services delivery partner of Falmouth University and the University of Exeter is starting work on an exciting new project to measure, analyse and model the costs and benefits of collaboration between UK higher education institutions. Project manager Simon Perks tells us more.
Scientific research equipment

Raising the return: the benefits and opportunities from equipment sharing

Sharing equipment will be a key theme in Professor Sir Ian Diamond’s forthcoming report on efficiency in higher education. Sarah Jackson and Luke Georgiou introduce findings from the study of this activity which show that it is helping to advance scientific research while delivering value to the public purse.
Taken from an poster

Efficient sharing of university data is closer than you think

Open data is enabling higher education institutions to discover and make the most of opportunities to collaborate, share equipment and expertise. Adrian Cox, project manager at, writes about how how this kind of collaboration is helping to achieve efficiencies.
Professor Ian Diamond

Diamond warns against complacency over efficiency agenda

Much has been achieved in the drive to make universities more efficient and effective, says Sir Ian Diamond in an article for ModernGov. However, he adds that there is no room for complacency and more needs to be done to maintain UK Higher Education's standing (registration needed).

Procurement ‘health checks’ inspire high performance universities

Universities seeking ever higher standards in their procurement are benefiting from a comprehensive measuring tool. Susan Wright, head of the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium, explains how the Procurement Maturity Assessment programme has inspired real changes in English HEIs.
Alan Turing Building, University of Manchester

Carbon reduction and energy efficiency in the HE estate

Growing awareness of the need for energy efficiency is prompting households to look for ways to reduce consumption and universities are no different. Sue Holmes describes what higher education institutions are doing to work towards carbon reduction and energy efficiency.
Professor Sir Ian Diamond

Efficiency conference special – a new agenda for higher education

On the eve of the fourth annual efficiency conference, we are offering a refresher in the form of Professor Sir Ian Diamond's post introducing February's report on Efficiency, Effectiveness and value for money in higher education.