Discover and share good practice for smarter working universities

The efficient lab – maximising the use of scientific research equipment

The efficient lab – maximising the use of scientific research equipment

The S-Lab programme aims to improve laboratory efficiency and effectiveness in all dimensions, including scientific value, resource efficiency and staff well-being. Director Peter James discusses the laboratory good practice and improvement ideas that that have emerged from the S-Lab award scheme and events.

N8 highlights the impact of asset sharing across UK universities

The report, which reveals asset sharing's role in delivering innovation, increased productivity, and maximum value for public investment, helped to shape Thursday's Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value for Money report by Universities UK.
UEA campus

The higher education estate – delivering increased value for money

In the second blogpost on estate management, Sian Kilner describes the findings of her research into value for money trends including how universities are offsetting higher operating and maintenance costs by diversifying their property income base.
Hot air balloons

Future challenges for procurement in higher education

In a competitive world, the UK’s universities are rising to the challenge of maintaining their position as world leaders. And so should their procurement teams says procurement expert Peter Smith.

Developing and supporting a sharing culture

Collaboration has led to efficiencies in areas such as procurement and shared services, but it can be a challenge to embed this culture. The University of Nottingham’s Paul Greatrix shares his experiences of a successful collaboration with the University of Birmingham.

Efficiency, effectiveness and value for money – a new agenda for higher education

Universities must continue to make efficiency, effectiveness and value for money core operational priorities if we are to make a robust case for future investment, says Professor Sir Ian Diamond.
Amy Norton

Measuring up the higher education workforce

Analysis of higher education staff data provides insights into how university workforces are evolving to ensure student achievement and satisfaction, as well as research and teaching excellence, says Amy Norton of Hefce.
Heather Lawrence, University of Strathclyde

How do you demonstrate the success of efficiency projects?

The University of Strathclyde is gathering information about how higher education practitioners demonstrate the success of their business improvement projects. The university’s business improvement manager Heather Lawrence explains how you can help.
David Kernohan and Catherine Grout

Supporting an open future at Jisc

Digital technology is making new approaches to open data possible in both research and professional services. Jisc’s Catherine Grout and David Kernohan describe the work taking place to support an open future.
Jisc logo

Data platform launched to encourage more efficient medical research

An affordable cloud-based infrastructure has been launched by Jisc and the University of Leicester to manage a growing volume of data that is threatening to overwhelm researchers. The Biomedical Research Infrastructure Software Service (BRISSKit) platform seeks to make data sharing and collaboration easier, saving time and reducing infrastructure costs.