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Sharing made easy – Jisc support for equipment sharing

From anechoic chambers to wind tunnels, mass spectrometers to supercomputers, institutions are increasingly looking to share high value items of research equipment. Martin Hamilton outlines how Jisc is working with a variety of partners to help embed and accelerate asset sharing.

HERBi shared services tool unveils enhanced functionality

The web-based HERBi tool which allows higher education institutions to explore the benefits of sharing services is now bigger and better. Project manager Simon Perks tells us about these improvements, which aim to make HERBi more responsive to the needs of users across the sector.

The future is global, collaborative and shared

New areas for collaboration across higher education have been identified in a report commissioned by Efficiency Exchange, which will be launched at an event at Loughborough University on 22 April.

University of London shared services

The University of London is poised to build upon its reputation as a significant provider of shared services to higher education, says Chris Cobb, Chief Operating Officer of the University of London.

VAT cost sharing exemption – a spur to shared services

The Government’s VAT cost-sharing exemption presents a major opportunity for the higher education sector to explore the benefits of sharing services, says Steve Butcher, Head of Procurement and Shared Services at Hefce.

Are we really competing? Should we be collaborating?

Following their presentation last week to the Embracing Efficiencies and Shared Services in Higher Education event, Andrew Rothwell and Ian Herbert of Loughborough University's Centre for Global Sourcing and Services outline their prediction for a range of new public-private partnerships with shared services centres taking a key role.
Sarah Jackson

N8 Research Partnership: making it easier to share equipment

Sarah Jackson, Director of the N8 Research Partnership, published her report on efficiencies in higher education earlier this year. We thought we’d catch up with her now that she’s gone back to her day job.
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North’s first shared data centre for education and research secured by Jisc

A shared data centre for the north of England has been secured by Jisc to aid collaboration and the sharing of large data sets. Among the first tenants are Liverpool University, Sheffield Hallam University and the universities of Sheffield and Leeds.

Laboratory sharing to improve rock deformation research

A view on shared services from the United States where an ever-growing group of scientists are seeking to integrate rock deformation labs from across the nation into one shared national facility. This was originally published in EOS magazine.

Developing and supporting a sharing culture

Collaboration has led to efficiencies in areas such as procurement and shared services, but it can be a challenge to embed this culture. The University of Nottingham’s Paul Greatrix shares his experiences of a successful collaboration with the University of Birmingham.