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How can e-learning support higher education after and during Brexit?

As the debate over the status of international students remains unabated and uncertainties over the likely impact of Brexit still unknown, Vitaly Klopot suggests the use of e-learning as a way for universities to continue having an impact beyond geographical constraints.
AskUS at University of Salford (Paul Craig Photography.)

Rethinking student services at Salford

In 2015 the University of Salford’s student services was completely redesigned with students and staff members from other parts of the university co-creating the the new facility. In this blogpost, Victoria Owen, a customer services manager, reflects on the process and how the redesigned service works in practice.

To Get The Most Out Of Your Degree, Make A Difference Abroad.

As part of our Student experience series Shayle Havemann discusses the career value of international experience through volunteering and internships for students to assist them with their pursuit to the career of their dreams.

Finding ‘pain points’ in the student journey

Like all service users, students have their stories of where their experience could have been improved. Jean Mutton presents some of the findings from a Jisc study seeking to identify these 'pain points'.

Trying to come up with a nuanced view of ‘Value for Students’

Value for students is a hot topic. In this blog Eric Stoller discusses how enhancing a student’s experience can add value to their investment as a paying customer.

How to make volunteering matter to university students

Do you want to get more from your university experience than just your degree? Are you someone who wants to help in the community, but feels a student life won't offer the time to get involved? In this blog Joe Crook from the University of East London, talks about volunteering, student life and explains how it can all fit into a busy student lifestyle.

A focus on student mental health services: Nightline

In the last of our Student Mental Health and wellbeing series, this blog focuses on Nightline, a student support service run by volunteer students, which provides help during out of work hours. We look at why these support services are much needed and which steps that can be taken to set up a Night line on campus.
Children's drawings of people

Developing student and staff personas: a practical guide

If you want to be sure you're meeting the demands of your stakeholders as they use your services, creating personas to identify their needs will help sharpen your focus. As consultant Jean Mutton explains, it's a technique that's becoming more widely used and it needn't be a difficult process.

The CATS Campaign: raising cancer awareness among students

In the second blog of our student experience series, Ellie Dunstone, a student at the University of Cambridge, shares with us the experience of the society she is involved with, the Cancer Awareness in Teenagers and young people Society, also known as CATS. Universities have a wide range of societies run by students which include sports, lifestyle choices, religion, hobbies and health. Societies can be valuable to students, learning skills which can support them in their future careers, supporting their own mental and physical health as well as others, demonstrating that there can be more to the student experience than the course.

Peer mentoring and welcome workshops

At Nottingham Trent University (NTU), we are seeking to increase engagement and retention through student peer mentoring and the delivery of a new Welcome Workshop. This workshop, has been co-created and co-facilitated by our student mentors, is designed to instil a sense of belonging and student agency in all undergraduate first-years starting in September 2018.